Okay, I have had enough. When flash "artists" reply to reviews that are shutting down their movie some do the classic response, "You have no audio or flash so how do you know what a good flash movie is?" Or the "So before you go criticizing people about their flash, maybe you should get up from the couch and make your own". Or the "you dont have any flash over a score of 3 so how can you judge what a flash movie is". I have seen WAY too many of these replies. Listen, it doesn't matter if you have made flash movies or not, you know what a good flash is and what isn't one! Hateful reviews are bad but you cant judge a persons reviewing skills by what flash they have or haven't made.
Okay thats my angry rant, I have seen way too many of those replies. If I am making someone mad at me, that wasn't my goal, so tell me.